Silklife Foodbank
Who are we?
Silklife Foodbank was established in December 2010, in response to Macclesfield’s growing need for on-the-spot emergency food boxes. Each food box provides five days of nutritional, non-perishable food for those in our neighbourhood who have fallen on hard times and are temporarily unable to provide for themselves, often through no fault of their own. We work in partnership with local support agencies and frontline care professionals such as Cheshire East , Social Services, Citizens Advice and Peaks & Plains. This ensures that we are able to reach out to most vulnerable and needy people and families in our town who would otherwise go hungry. Silklife Foodbank is run and supported by Silklife Church and is stocked mainly by regular food and financial donations from church members and increasingly through the local community. All parcels are freely given!
How to donate
It’s easy to donate via our JustGiving page - click here or scan the QR code!
You can bring your donations to the Silklife building on Tuesdays and Fridays, between 9:30am and 11:30am.
When Silklife Foodbank is closed, you can drop your donations at any of the following venues:
Sainsburys Macclesfield
Macclesfield Railway Station (hand your donation into the Booking Desk)
Scoops and Scales (at Heritage Centre, opposite Tesco)
One-Stop Shop, Cross Street
Bridge End Centre, Bollington
Nationwide Building Society, Castle Street
Lifestyle Fitness Gym (on Macclesfield College site)
Mint Hair and Beauty Salon, Gunco Lane (Toiletries only)
Fresh Skin Clinic, Cumberland Street )Toiletries only)
Contact us
You can also follow Silklife Foodbank on Facebook for regular updates, and make a donation at any time via our JustGiving page.
We have a large bank of agencies, currently registered with us, to make referrals for emergency food support. If you are a Health and Wellbeing professional and wish to register with the Foodbank to make referrals, then please email our referral coordinator.
If you require emergency food support and do not know who to ask in order to get referred, please contact one of the following agencies who will be able to assist:
Citizens Advice, Macclesfield - 01625 708608
Cheshire East Emergency Assistance - 0300 1235013
If you would like any further help or advice, please visit the Silklife Foodbank on a Tuesday or a Friday morning between 9:30am and 11:30am, and one of our team will advise you.
To become a registered referring agency , please email for more information.
Check out the Foodbank Facebook page.